This report analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish deep-tech ecosystem by applying the MIT iEcosystem model, which emphasizes five critical system inputs (i.e., human capital, funding, infrastructure, demand and culture/incentives) driving innovation capacity (I-Cap) and entrepreneurship .../...
La pandemia volvió a poner de manifiesto la necesidad de invertir en investigación, innovación y tecnología para desarrollar productos y servicios que ayuden a afrontar los retos que se le presentan a la sociedad. En esta tarea, las empresas emergentes están llamadas .../...
Entrepreneurial education in most economies continues to be assessed as poor by national entrepreneurship experts, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2023/2024 Global Report, titled 25 Years and Growing. It’s been 25 years since GEM began assessing the state of the art of .../...
Since 2020, a series of shocks to the global economy has had significant impacts on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs and their access to finance. Most recently, significant inflationary pressures have led to tighter lending conditions, limiting the flow of finance to SMEs .../...
El nombre d’empreses emergents a Catalunya sobrepassa les 2.100 el 2023, una xifra de rècord i que ha incrementat un 4% en un any. Es tracta d’un ecosistema molt enfocat a innovació i la tecnologia i que ja ha superat per primera vegada els 20.000 treballadors.
Informe que analiza la evolución del ecosistema de startups en 2023. La información recogida es relativa a operaciones de inversión en startups con sede en España, así como aquellas que no teniendo la sede tienen una parte muy relevante de su equipo, especialmente .../...
The city is uniquely positioned as a gateway to the Tech and Digital Ecosystem of Southern Europe. This status is bolstered by Barcelona's international appeal, which has transformed Catalonia's capital into a hub for foreign founders and startup employees (accounting for 19% and 23% of the .../...
This joint study by the EPO and the EUIPO focuses on how innovative startups obtain financing to develop their ideas into new products for the marketplace. It examines how IP rights can help the providers of initial financing to exit successfully by selling to another company or going public with .../...
Aquest article recull algunes recomanacions per acompanyar les dones emprenedores, que per les seves experiències i la seva socialització particular, poden viure el procés d’emprenedoria diferent a com el viuen els homes. Aquests, de fet, històricament han estat .../...
El informe trata las respuestas obtenidas de más de 98.000 estudiantes de la práctica totalidad de las universidades españolas. Se justifica por la necesidad de aumentar la participación de la mujer universitaria en el reto de crear más y mejores empresas. Algunos .../...
Aquest document se centra en la bretxa tecnològica de gènere en relació amb les TIC i pel nombre d’estudis que només treballen aquest camp; sobretot per l’especial rellevància d’aquest sector a Catalunya i de la transformació digital de .../...
The report presents a trend analysis of women’s entrepreneurship across 49 countries, 5 global regions and 3 national income levels. It is based on interviews with some 175,000 individuals.
Les empreses deeptech estan basades en coneixements científics i avenços tecnològics punters. Inclouen innovacions en les fronteres del coneixement en disciplines bàsiques com la biologia, la química, la física, les matemàtiques o l’enginyeria .../...
This report analyses the situation of the Spanish entrepreneur ecosystem in regard to other regions and allows one to see its behaviour in recent years, and from more than 4,432 projects signing up to the Startup Competition South Summit Madrid 2022, of which 80% are international. South Summit is .../...
L’objectiu de l’Informe anual és analitzar el fenomen emprenedor, proporcionant dades de les àrees fonamentals que nodreixen la recerca relacionada amb la creació d’empreses. El Resum Executiu, brinda al lector l’oportunitat de conèixer l’activitat .../...
The Startup Heatmap Europe is published annually since 2016 by the Ecosystem Acceleration Company DEEP Ecosystems. It is Europe’s most comprehensive study on the development of startup ecosystems and founder mobility in Europe. It analyzes more than 100 cities in Europe based on a survey among .../...
The OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2023 provides new evidence on recent trends in SME performance, changing business conditions, and policy implications. It reflects on the broad underlying theme of SME integration into a series of networks, including global production and supply-chain networks .../...
The Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2023 (GSER 2023) is a comprehensive analysis of the current state of startup ecosystems worldwide. Now in its 11th year, the GSER provides insights into the world’s leading startup ecosystems, emerging trends, and key challenges facing entrepreneurs. It is .../...
In the last decade, Catalonia has consolidated its position as one of the most important European startup ecosystems. Ten years ago, Catalonia was not mentioned in any rankings and now we are the fifth best ecosystem in the European Union (the first in Southern Europe), the second region most preferred .../...